Why Sarasota?

Why am I (and Mari) in Sarasota Florida? There is a long story and a short one. I will give the short one here. It is all about money. Both Mari and I are deep in debt and can no longer afford to live in our studio in Waltham. The crashing economy has drastically affected my SmilePix business. It is also time for a change. I have lived in my studio for over 30 years and have stagnated the last five years or so. Nothing creative going on for me except playing my Xaphoon (a bamboo saxophone).

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Begin Here

Sam Laundon is looking to redefine himself and this site is a window into that process. Time for change. Shake up old routines. Get back to times of internal and external exploration. Face fears and embrace joys.

I believe that we all go through various versions of ourselves just like in software there are versions 1, 2, 3 (3.2) and on. If I accept what life offers me, then there are many opportunities to morph into different versions of myself and expand the sphere of me.

On earth we have a stage of experiences as Shakespeare wrote, “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts”.

Being now 64, sometime has passed since the last version change. Circumstances have forced me into a whole new environment. What once had been comfortable had become uncomfortable.