Ode to Ginger Man – Redux


I decided to bring back Ginger Man. Mari and I originally created “Ode to Ginger Man” in 2004. I created a graphic and Mari a poem which we than put up on the web. Ginger Man traveled world wide and visited US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Because of the expanding presence of video on the web, Ginger Man is now back for a richer experience for his fans.

1972 to 2009


From 1970 to 2000 I was photographing and printing in the darkroom constantly. Around 2000 two things happened: 1. I began a business with my brother and 2. The digital revolution hit photography. The business relationship with my brother did not work out (I am still running the internet based business). The digital revolution forced me to reconsider photography and I stopped using my darkroom and started exploring the computer.


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Manatee Drinking


One morning I was having my second cup of coffee when a pod of Manatees showed up. I had heard that they like fresh water, so I had Mari hold the hose while I took some photographs. This Manatee was no more than ten feet from us.

Balinese Dance


A little while ago I offered through a local Sarasota newsletter to make free portraits. I had a number of replies (some of which can be seen in the previous post). Sari is a Balinese dancer and she came back for a second secession. I created a slideshow of her dance and posted it on YouTube.

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It has been quite some time since I have posted something here to this blog. Other life’s chores have taken precedent.. Sindy, Mari’s friend of over twenty years, came to visit from wintery New Hampshire. She was gracious enough to let me turn my camera on her and create some portraits. I think the results were quite good as you can see.

Sindy has been focusing on creating rainbows in her life, hence the background music for the slideshow.

Sacred Sarasota Ceremonies


Mari and I since we have been in Sarasota have been invited to and participated in a number of sacred ceremonies. We have met some wonderful people through these ceremonies. I have made a number of photographs and thought it would be nice to collect them all in to one slideshow. So here it is.

Good-Bye Waltham & WMAA


For 34 years I have lived and worked in my studio at 144 Moody Street. Mari and I came back to Waltham after being in Florida for a year this past May to pack up all our stuff and make a permanent move to Sarasota. Our stay in Waltham was so short and busy with packing, that I realized on my return to Sarasota, I had not had a chance to say good-bye to Waltham and the Arts Community.

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I met Maji many years ago up north in Boston. Maji was one of the first participants in Dance Freedom which was a dance organization begun in 1968 in Cambridge. Dance Freedom is a smoke free, alcohol free, barefoot dance environment where any kind of dance is acceptable (as long as it is non harmful).


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Siesta Key Drum Circle


Here is another video slide show of photographs I made from a few trips to the Siesta Drum Circle at Siesta Key Beach in Sarasota (also included are a couple of photographs from Nokomis Drum Circle in Nokomis). Mari and I met sixteen years ago at a weekly event called Dance Freedom in Cambridge, MA and the drum circles down here have a similar flavor to them where anything goes dance wise. Although in the case of the drum circles here there are more watchers than participants. This drum circle according to their web page (www.siestadrumcircle.com) began twelve years ago.

I have seen a number of videos on the web (mostly through YouTube) of the drum circle. My hope is that the photos I made give people a different persecutive of the event and capture some of the energy. The sound was captured with my Canon G10 and edited and enhanced with Apple’s GarageBand.

Bird Land


I never thought I would be photographing birds. In my thirty plus years of photography, I never had photographed birds before. Just now I went outside for a break and there was an Egret fishing in the canal behind the house not more than ten yards away. So the birds are hard to avoid here in Sarasota. I have put together another video slideshow of birds I have met.

This is the second slideshow/video I have created and any feedback would be appreciated. Enjoy!