Maggie, Lorna & Tony

I met Maggie, Lorna & Tony through Debbie (my sister-in-law) who had been dog sitting for Karen & Tim Stark. The dogs were very cooperative as long as treats were involved. The video is a homage to William Wegman who had videoed first his dog Man Ray and than later included Fay Ray.

What he did with getting them to move their heads had always tickled me and here in this video Maggie and Lorna revised the rolls of Man Ray and Fay Ray.

Many thanks to Debbie for assisting in this session.

As all previous photos in my posts, these photos were made with the Canon G10. The video was also made with the Canon G10 and was edited in Final Cut Express.

One thought on “Maggie, Lorna & Tony

  1. I just love your pictures Sam. You ARE GOOD! Tony is my favorite. I used to house sit for some people who had similar looking dogs. Aren’t they a blast?! I loved the tennis match! You DO have a great sense of humor Sam! Do you think that is a Laundon trait?

    I want to come down and visit so badly I can taste it! I will figure it out one way or another right!” Ask and it will be given”……. I will keep saying that to myself!!!!!!!

    Positive thinking will get me anywhere and hopefully to Sarasota!

    Your favorite sister

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