Ajijic MKP Men Portraits – 13 Men

Open MKP Men’s Group

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(More about MKP)

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I arrived in Ajijic, Mexico the first week of November 2017 from the USA. After finding a place to live I also found a ManKind Project Men’s group (at the Center for Spiritual Living in Ajijic, Thursdays from 4 to 6). I started attending the meetings in December of 2017.

One of the things we do in the group is declare a stretch for ourselves. It can be anything from learning Spanish to getting regular exercise. My stretch was to photograph the men in the group. There are some men who come and go. The men represented here are men who regularly show up for the meetings. I apologize to those men who I did not photograph. Many of those men are snow birds, so maybe I will photograph them this coming season. The men’s ages in this group range for 40’s to 80’s with most of us in our 70’s

4 thoughts on “Ajijic MKP Men Portraits – 13 Men

  1. Wonderful pictures, Sam!!
    I hope you can take my pic one of these days. I’m back from my travels and will see you Thursday.

  2. Thanks a lot Sam Laundon!… I like my picture …and I have a great time that morning! , thanks for doing this effort and congratulations for achieving your stretch! ( you did what you said you were going to do!)…and that is not an easy one!

  3. Personally Sam I like the other pic of me. But have to say you do great work wonderful pics of all of us. Thank you for your integrity and follow thru.

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