Sarasota Sam’s in Style


About 10 years ago I was at an art opening in my neighbor’s studio. My friend Bob Ballou was showing some work in this studio and his wife Bronwen and stepson Nicolas were with him. I was taking some snap shots with a digital camera and Nicolas (who was not quite 5 at the time) came over to me and asked what I was doing. I told him I was taking photos of the people and asked if he wanted to see what I was doing. He ended up making a few photos himself. After awhile he looked at me and said “I want to be like you”. I asked him if it was because I had a cool camera. He said no, then said “because you’ve got style”. As you can imagine I was a bit startled by his comment, coming from a not yet 5 year old. I asked him to repeat what he said and he said it again, “because you’ve got style”.

Well Nicolas it has taken about 10 years, but now I can say I am in Style Magazine.

In Style


Photographer Sam Laundon and his wife, Mari Reed, moved to Sarasota recently from a suburb of Boston. They had been living in an artists’ community, which Laundon helped establish more than 30 years ago. Along the way, Laundon created an impressive portfolio of photographic work for national and Boston-area clients.

When the couple began looking for a fresh start, Mari’s sister invited them to join her in Sarasota. Today, Laundon delights in the photographic possibilities of his new home. “Here we are in paradise and new horizons are opening for me, revealing insights that I never knew existed. Sarasota is inspiring me to rediscover my passion for my craft,” he says. Laundon’s photography can be seen at

Style maker

What’s your professional background?
I’ve been a photographer since the early 1970s. I taught photography for more than 20 years and also freelanced, mostly in architecture and portraiture. I’ve shown my work in the Boston area, been collected by a few companies and museums and received a few grants. Currently, I’m running a business called SmilePix, which is a digital imaging service for dentists.

As a photographer, what subject matter excites you the most?
I guess I’d say that’s the one in front of me right now. I approach photography with a completely open mind. I allow myself to stay open to every kind of subject. If you look at my work, you’ll see that I’ve photographed many subjects: landscapes, architecture, portraits, street shooting. Each one appealed to me for different reasons.

Favorite Sarasota spot?
Siesta Key Beach. I am fascinated by the changes that each wave brings to compositions on the beach. I can stay in one spot, and the continual motion of the waves brings new surprises and delights.

Thoughts about the area’s arts and cultural scene?
Mari and I volunteered at the recent ArtsEXPO hosted by the Sarasota County Arts Council and met some very nice folks. We’ve barely started to explore, but there is an amazing arts scene happening here — whether it’s fine art, music or theater, Sarasota has it all.

What do you like about Sarasota so far?
What’s not to like?
