Mineola Journal 1-3

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#1 Heron & Spoonbill

Since I purchase a new camera (Panasonic Lumix GH2) I have been making videos with this remarkable camera. These “Mineola Journals” are short videos taken in our backyard (Mineola is the street we live on). Our backyard ends at Phillippi Creek which is a long meandering creek the empties into the Gulf.


#2 Anhingas

We see Anhingas often in the creek. They have no oil in their wings like other water birds and so they have to dry them off in order for them to fly effectively.


#3 Reflections

Late in the day, with the sun low in the sky, interesting patterns form on the opposite shore.

Refections are so difficult to communicate through still photos. Video really is able to capture the mood of moving reflections.