Why Sarasota Sam?

Let’s say, I meet someone on the beach and take their photo. If they would like me to email them the photo I realized that telling them to email me at sam@samlaundon.com was very forgettable.


Before Mari and I moved down here I registered sarasotasam.com, because every time I mentioned Sarasota Sam to a friend or acquaintance they would smile or laugh, so I knew I had something memorable.



On the beach recently, People ended up being in my photographs. And from time to time I would ask them if they wanted me to email them a copy. Telling them to email me at sam@sarasotasam.com and I would send them a copy made it so much easier than saying “email me at sam@samlaundon.
The man photographing the boy told me later that the boy was autistic, then he kind of shrugged.