Summer Solstice 2009 and I attended a Summer Solstice celebration at the Unity Church of Sarasota. It was held outside in the Unity Labyrinth. We have been told that Sarasota is one of 22 Crystal Cities of Light in the world. Here is a link to Jo Mooy article Prism of Light and Crystal City of Light.
The sound file you are hearing (if you have your sound on) was played and sung during the Solstice celebration and also sung around the world on the Solstice: The One Song Project. The chant is “OMA, KA, OM” pronounced “OM-AH, KA,OM”. Continue reading

Birds on the Beach

Terns, Gulls, Egrets, Herons, Pelicans, Pipers, Osprey, etc..etc..etc. And I can see why from all the schools of small fish in the water. One time the water was so dense with small fish that I thought there was a deep impression in the bottom creating a shadow. It was hundreds of thousands of small fish.

The Egrets are very bold, walking right by me intent of catching it’s next bit. That’s all these little fish could be, and so the birds keep hunting after swallowing their last catch.

When I am swimming, the Pelicans will dive right next to me and then take off right over my head. Usually I am at the beach early or late in the day and the light on their feathers as they pass over me is stunning.

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Why Sarasota Sam?

Let’s say, I meet someone on the beach and take their photo. If they would like me to email them the photo I realized that telling them to email me at was very forgettable.


Before Mari and I moved down here I registered, because every time I mentioned Sarasota Sam to a friend or acquaintance they would smile or laugh, so I knew I had something memorable.



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On the Beach

Siesta Key Beach is a beautiful very white sand beach on the Gulf. It is just 15 minutes from Debbie’s house, so it is a place I go often after my normal work day. Mari, after looking at my photos, said that most people are looking for beautiful vistas to capture, while I am looking down at details on the beach. I am fascinated by the changes that each wave brings to compositions on the beach. I can stay in one spot and the continual motion of the waves brings new surprises and delights. Continue reading

On to Color

After becoming more familiar with the Canon G10 and making a few Black & White photos, it was time to switch to color. The G10 is capable of 15 megabyte files and also has the capability to photograph in the RAW mode. The beauty of the RAW mode is that there is much more control in playing with the file than if it was photographed in JPG. For me it is almost like going back to the darkroom. For anyone serious about trying to get the best photograph possible and having more control in after image processing, RAW is the way to go.

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Starting in Black & White

Not having made a photograph with intent for many years, I don’t know what I will be photographing. Everything is open to me now and I can explore what Gary Winogrand once said when asked why he made photographs. “I photograph to see what things look like photographed”.

I had been reading about the Canon G10 and thought it would be a good starter camera for me. With a price of around $400 and 15 million pixel resolution, along with the ability to record in the Raw format, it made the whole process more like doing my old Darkroom work.


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